Wren Property & Grounds Maintenance

Commercial Grounds Maintenance for Property Management Companies, Estate Agents, Developers and Local Businesses

Contact Paul Wren 07944 966342 or email paul@wrendiy.co.uk

Not just maintaining, but improving and future proofing your site.

Working with you and your customer

To provide the best level of service to incorporate a suitable budget which meets and exceeds the expectations of your residents.

Streamline service with monthly invoicing, providing you access to all required paperwork to fulfil your organisation’s standards. i.e Public Liability. Waste Carriers Licence. Spraying Licence and any other documentation you require.

Guiding your business through the project

Sometimes it’s best to ask a contractor “what service would they suggest for this project”

This is where we excel. Providing a quotation with recommendations for a maintenance schedule, where costs are explained in a transparent manner.

Meet our team

As a sole trader, I occasional use help from Sub Contractors and also have admin and accounts support

Paul Wren


Sub Contractor

Admin, Accounts

and Gardening


Require a little more effort at your site ?

  • Passionate about garden aesthetics
  • Attention to detail
  • Bespoke projects